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Welcome to my website! Perhaps you stumbled across it while searching for a therapist or maybe a friend recommended meeting with me. Regardless how you got here, I’m glad you are curious about discovering, healing and improving your quality of life.

One of the most common questions people ask is what my specialties are. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor. I was extensively trained at the graduate level on how to help people through the art and science of psychotherapy. While training is important, it is no substitute for the intangibles that really drive psychotherapy. The heart and soul of my work comes from life experience, my own personal therapy, ongoing education, and above all, living a thriving, healthy life that organically overflows into my clients lives. Feel free to click on the Specialties tab for a list of common reasons people come to see me. While I'm including a list, I genuinely love working with anyone who is committed to a long term therapeutic journey and wants to learn more about themselves. 

My site is informational and might answer some of the questions you have, but most of the answers you are looking for can only be found in the experience of meeting with me. Concerns about my experience, education and whether I am adequately equipped to help you are understandable. While I could take a great deal of time writing about my diverse experiences and training, nothing will provide more clarity than meeting face to face.




8330 Meadow Rd Ste 200

Dallas, Texas 75231


Tel: 972-834-0770

Feel free to contact me. I always try to return messages within 24 hours on business days.

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